GREAT NEWS! Thanks to YOU GUYSPainting for Peace: A Coloring Book for All Ages made the Publisher's Weekly list of Bestselling Books in St. Louis in TWO categories - adult and children's books!
Now we're hoping to spread sales of this book well beyond St. Louis so that we canmake a bigger impact in Ferguson and nearby communities. To do this, we need your help!
The more books we sell, the more money we can invest in youth, arts, and small business programs in Ferguson and surrounding communities.
Your reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, or Barnes & Noble's website can help new people learn about our book. Could you take a moment or two to help us help Ferguson? It will be your good deed for the day! Detailed Instructions are below!

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The links for leaving a review are below. We hope this makes it easier. You'll need to create an account if you don't have one already. - You need to have an account, but you don't need to have purchased the book through them. Here is a link to the book. Scroll to the "Add a Customer Review" button. Sign into your account & leave a review and a comment.
Goodreads - Create or sign into your account. Here is a link to the book. Give the book a star review and it will mark it as read. You then have the option to leave a detailed review.
3) Barnes & Noble - Create or sign into your account. Here is a link to the book. At the top, click on "be the first to review," and leave a review. You don't have to have purchased through BN to leave your view.