Mary Krummenacher's father, Karl, had owned a camera store across the street from where she and Karen Bult painting their design. The painting depicts a hand in a peace gesture, and is covered with colorful peace signs. The caption - Shalom - is a Hebrew word, which means peace and completeness. Mary's father had been a fixture in the Ferguson business district from the early 1990's and had worked hard to bring businesses and growth the the area.
"I met owners on that block while I was painting and, even twelve years after my father's passing, they still remembered him. That's Ferguson," Mary explained. "It tore at my heart to see so much destruction, and even more so in knowing how much work had gone into rebuilding the area. I selected the hand, as it spoke to the over-reaching hope of what was taking place that weekend - and the elements we added were within my skill set!"

Mary & Karen's Shalom Peace Sign Hand painting was transformed into a coloring page in our new coloring book, "Painting for Peace: A Coloring Book for All Ages." This picture was submitted by someone who picked up the coloring book and offered their own bright and cheery interpretation of the artwork. Mary's reaction upon seeing it on Facebook? "I love it!"